Friday, October 12, 2018

Making Amends

When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on some clothes, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea. (John 21: 7 NRSV)

Making Amends
Here is the man who had betrayed his Savior three times just days before. Here is the man who had carried the heavy weight of that betrayal and had probably felt deep conviction, sadness and confusion, but was now eager to make amends for his wrongdoing.

This story, in which Jesus appears to his disciples at the Sea of Tiberius, reveals a different Simon Peter. His enthusiasm to be with his Lord erupts into a hasty decision to jump from the boat and swim to shore. With no hesitation he is ready for reconciliation. Ready to be united with Jesus, so that they may be one. And Jesus waits to receive him.

Perhaps sin has kept us from Christ; from being reunited with him. Hesitate no longer. Jesus stood patiently waiting on the seashore as Simon Peter crossed the threshold of pain and conviction to be accepted and forgiven by his Savior. Christ waits for us to take make the same move and be reconciled with him. His arms are open wide. Like Simon Peter, can we too be willing and eager to make amends? To come back to that place with Christ where there is deep consolation and joy. Jennifer Woodley

Father, I have sinned and ask for your forgiveness. Help me to remain in you, to be one with you. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen.

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