Friday, December 18, 2015

Ink Spots

Ink Spots
Several months ago while doing our laundry I accidentally left an ink pen in one of my pockets. When I opened the door on the clothes dryer I saw bright blue ink all over the white laundry! The inside of the dryer was a disaster! I think it was a brand new pen; and the ink went everywhere! Even now I see the results of my simple mistake; ink spots remain on our laundry.

Likely you have heard someone sarcastically say “What I do is my own business; it’s no concern of yours.” That is not usually true. What we do affects others. If we sin, it touches the lives of those around us, just as the ink from one single pen went on most of the laundry.

In Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth he explained the seriousness of immoral behavior (1 Corinthians 5:1-13). Within these verses we find this statement. “Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?" (verse 6 NKJ). Just as a little yeast spreads, so does our sin. Sin may not be as easy to see as blue ink; but it leaves stains that only the blood of Christ can remove. Laundry can always be replaced; the closet of your mind will hold your choices for a life time. Pam Ford Davis

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