Friday, September 25, 2015

If Tomorrow Never Comes

for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2 NIV)

If Tomorrow Never Comes
I was walking home from work the other day; ear buds in my ears; Pandora running on my phone; rocking out to Christian rock when the words to the chorus, “If Tomorrow Never Comes” filled my head. It had been a long time since I had given it any thought. Talk of this question usually put me into panic mode, “Are you ready?” “Where are you spending eternity?” “If Jesus were to come right now would He take you with Him?” On this day, however, I experienced something else; a different emotion consumed my heart; joy. There was not any despair, worry, or fear on this day, instead I was filled with the joy of being absolutely, positively, one hundred percent sure of my answer; I will be with my Lord when He returns, Amen. 

Are you filled with the joy of assurance of your eternity? Do you walk, talk, and live like there is no bout a doubt where you are spending eternity? Today is the day to begin because we “know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” We know that the day of our Lord’s return will be soon; as a matter of fact a major factor in experiencing this joy and peace is the anticipation of His return. Like my grandson waits eagerly each afternoon for the return of his parents; so also should we wait excitedly and anxiously for the return of our Lord. Live each and every day as “If Tomorrow Never Comes.” Keith Henry

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