Friday, June 15, 2012

Affairs of Greater Importance

But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife—and his interests are divided … But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. (1 Corinthians 7:33-34 NIV)

Current Affairs
The affairs that concern many of us currently are not about who is going to be the next head of state, the trade deficit, or the drop in economic growth. Matters of such cultural, political and social events no doubt are of great importance, but not when some of us are still struggling to make ends meet. The domestic necessity for those with dependents to feed is the current affairs of the day. Yet there is something else of concern that far outweighs all current affairs.

According to a news article of May 27, 2012 at, more than 1 billion pornographic websites are one click away, and the average age of first-time viewers of pornography is 9 years old. About 80 percent of 15- to 17-year-olds have been exposed to hardcore porn, and the adult pornography industry reports that 20-30 percent of their traffic comes from children. More shockingly, half of all Christian families report that pornography is a problem, and 30 percent of pastors have viewed pornography in the last 30 days.

"The greatest threat to the cause of Christ is pervasive sexuality and pornography," said apologist and author Josh McDowell. The problem of pornography is big enough to cause the downfall of the church, he added.

"Today we have, by and large, lost control of the controls because an intrusive immorality is just one click away from our children. With just one keystroke on a smartphone, iPad, or laptop, a child can open up some of the worst pornography and sexually graphic content you can imagine. There's never been such access in history."

As parents and guardians, are we aware of what our children are doing behind our backs? Yes, the Bible says not to exasperate or embitter our children, but it also says to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21). Keeping an eye on the ones under our care is of great importance, and although difficult, we must, for their eternity lie in our hands. If we spare the rod in guiding our children, we are harming them, and the Bible says doing so is equivalent to hating them. If we love them, we have to be careful to discipline them (Proverbs 13:24).

Let us be aware therefore of the affairs that currently matters to us and our family, yet without neglecting to keep a close watch of our young. Though we may concern ourselves with the affairs of this world as to how we should care for our spouse and family (1 Corinthians 7:33-34), let us not forget to fight alongside with our children against temptations. As shepherds of the flock, let us admonish and teach everyone with all wisdom that we may present everyone perfect in Christ Jesus our Lord (Colossians 1:28; 1 Peter 5:2).

Dear Lord, You know the cares we have of this world and the affairs that currently need our attention. Help us Lord to deal wisely in all these affairs and not neglect overseeing those in our care. Guide us Lord in Your wisdom to see the areas we need to pay special attention to in fighting alongside with our loved ones against temptations and the schemes of the devil. In the offering of easy access through technology and the cyberspace at our fingertips Lord, keep watch over us and our loved ones from all enticements. Where disciplinary action is required for our young Lord, guide us on the right approach to educate or correct, that they may not be exasperated or embittered without understanding our love for them. Thank You, Lord, for always taking care of us. You O Lord are our God, and we exalt and praise You because we know You are in full control of all our circumstances and all the current affairs of the world.

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