Friday, January 4, 2019

New Beginnings

‘The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.’ Mark 1:1 (NRSV)

New Beginnings
When Jesus makes his appearance as a small baby it is both the arrival and the beginning of the good news. It has come for all people, for all times and as Jesus proclaims his message to all who will listen, the news just continues to get better and better.

Has the good news arrived and begun growing in our lives? Have we had the joy of meeting Jesus Christ yet? There is no really good news until he makes his initial appearance in our hearts; though we can look for it elsewhere in a multitude of people or places.

And once Jesus has been invited to begin sharing his life with us, his presence, his words and his promises will bring an exponential growth of good news in our lives. What holds us back from receiving all his goodness? What false narratives are causing us to resist him? A transformed life can be found in no other person, in no other place, in no other way. He is the answer and a life invested in Christ is the good life.

Beginnings can be difficult places to breach. They may be places of doubt, fear and questions. Allow Christ to calm our fears and satisfy our questions. A new beginning, full of good news is waiting for us.

Dear Jesus, forgive me for looking elsewhere and neglecting the good news you offer. I offer myself to you. Help me to walk closely with you each day from this moment onward. Thank you. Jennifer Woodley

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