For nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37 NIV)
"You have an incurable eye defect. You will never be able to drive a car!"
When the eye specialist said these words, they meant very little to me, as I was only a child. But once I reached my mid teens and watched my brothers and friends passing their tests and driving cars, I felt robbed. I ached so much inside and dreamed of driving my own car.
A few months after becoming a Christian I prayed so much for God to heal me. Many times at church I went forward for healing. But after having those same words repeated to me again by an optician when I was 21, and realizing I still had the eye defect, cut me to the bone. It broke me.
After a while I came to the conclusion that it wasn't part of God's plan to heal me, so I got on with my life serving God. Many years later however when I was married, I felt the Father whisper to me, "Get your eyes tested." I did, this time I was told a different story. "You should have no problem passing the eye test." Sure enough I took lessons and passed my driving test.
All those years ago, God didn't say no to my healing, He said WAIT.
Firstly God healed me. We have a relationship with a living God, who is in full control. He has the final say. Even when the world says No! God can say Yes! He makes the impossible, possible. What an awesome God we have. There is nothing he can't do.
Secondly, I had to wait for that healing in God's time, not mine. His timing is perfect and He wants the best for us. We have a habit of racing ahead of God, but sometimes we need to learn to be patient and keep in step with Him. God has His own agenda, He knows best.
In the day of my trouble, I will call to you, For you will answer me. (Psalm 86:7 NIV)
And finally God always answers our prayers. We may not get the answer we want, but remember God knows our needs. Sometimes it's a YES, Sometimes it's a NO, but also remember He might be saying WAIT. —Phil Russ
Father, what a wonderful, powerful God You are. We thank You that You are so much bigger than anything. You are still a God of miracles today. Help us to be patient and learn that sometimes we need to wait, and keep in step with You, and even if You do say No sometimes, we know you have our best interests at heart. Amen.
Thanks for the reminders here, Edmond.