Death and life are in the power of the tongue … (Proverbs 18:21 NKJ)
The words we speak are very powerful. They can effect our environment, they can alter our surroundings. In Genesis we are told we are made in God’s image. How did God create? “In the beginning God said …” Everything we came into existence because of God’s word. He spoke creation into being. Just like God had the power to speak the whole of creation into existence, likewise He created us in His image and with that has come a “power” in our words. This verse from Proverbs tells us we have the power of life and death in our words. We can choose to speak uplifting, edifying, life-giving words to those in our lives. Or we can tear down and beat others in with what we speak. I have experienced both realities in my own life. Many times, when I’ve been anxious or stressed, I have resorted to speaking words of death my family. “Hurry up, get that math problem done. Are you stupid?” All these words I have spoken in my selfish flesh nature have effected those receiving them; not only that but they have effected me too. I hate every time I speak something to bring sadness or sorrow to not only someone I love, but anyone. On the other hand, I have witnessed the difference when I speak words of life into those around me. “Wow, you’ve done a great job!” or “Let me see if I can help you with that problem.” These kind words causes the recipients face to light up. They produce a feeling in their heart of love and acceptance. They also make me feel really good inside knowing I am not wearing down someone’s emotions, but rather sowing seeds of peace, love, and joy! I have also seen how just a few simple kind words to strangers makes their day! Today, remember you have the power of life and death in the words you choose to speak. Marriages, relationships, and working environments can and have been changed by simply changing the words we say to those around us. Today, let’s choose to speak the words that God would have us say, let’s choose to build up others! Let’s speak words of life! Meditate on the things of God! —Tracy Finney
“You’ve got to let people love you!” I had seen the young man at work before but I didn’t know him, and I didn’t think he knew me. Yet his words, spoken with such tenderness, slipped past my pride and my anger. But what did they mean? As a teenager I thought I had correctly concluded that people didn’t care about anyone but themselves, and I was purposely living an isolated existence. But was it possible that I was actually the source of my problem, not other people? Looking back, I believe God sent that message to me, through a stranger, to unlock the door of the internal prison I had built. Those words broke me down, just enough to set me free. And even though I still walk back into that cell from time to time, due to a poor attitude or poor choices, God is always there to gently guide me out again. How is it we forget that we are loved and sometimes choose to isolate ourselves, or do other self-destructive behaviors? Don’t we think we’re worthy of love? Isn’t that why Jesus died on the cross? —Michael Mann
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. – Deuteronomy 30:19-20
went to bed worrying about something on the news last night and a lack
of information. I awoke to hear the worst news about what I had feared
when I went to bed. Two people who had influenced the lives of my family
are no longer with us today and many questions are yet to be answered. I
ask you be in prayer for this situation and to lift it and the family
up in prayer.
I have been asked how do people without faith
handle certain situations like the loss of a loved one and to be honest I
have no answer to that question. But I do know that how we as
Christians respond makes a difference in the people we minister to
during these times. The directions we receive from scripture are found
in the book of James.
dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick
to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger
does not produce the righteousness that God desires. (James 1:19-20 NIV)
me it is pretty straight forward God gave us two ears and one mouth for
a reason so we could listen more and talk less. That is the advice we
are given as Christians who are coming along the side non-believers and
believers in a time of loss of loved ones or any other struggle they
might be facing in life.
As Christians our best response is not
to quote scripture or tell them it is all right but to sit quietly doing
whatever is asked of us. From my own experience you will not remember
what people say unless you are offended by it or it is totally stupid.
But you will remember those people who were by your side through it all.
Not judging you or the situation but providing to you the love, grace
and mercy of God as it has been measured out to them from Jesus and the
Holy Spirit.
I challenge you today to live your life listening
first. You might be surprised what you hear that makes your response
different than it would have been originally. Have a Blessed day as you
walk in the light of the God’s Word. —Rev Brian Mathis
I need encouragement; we all do. It’s easy to become discouraged when fighting daily routine battles or facing new challenges. The stress or monotony of a job can wear us down, and opposition from within or outside our comfort zone leads to burnout. I find it much easier to start some chores than to finish. I grumble in my spirit like a selfish child on a long road trip. Am I there yet? I’m tempted to quit or at least walk away until a more convenient time. Gospel writers recognized our need to hear words of encouragement. “So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, we must work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith (Galatians 6:9-10 HCS).” Hang in there! —PamFord Davis