But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42 NAS)
My wife and I were ready to go on a planned holiday a few years ago. Our luggage bags were all packed, and just before leaving the house, we made a final round of checking to ensure the electricity, the gas and water supply were turned off, and the windows were closed. We boarded the cab which we have called in to book earlier, and were soon on our way to the airport. Halfway through the journey, however, I suddenly realized I have left our travel papers at home. Without a choice then, I told the driver to send us back to where we first boarded.
Many of us tend to forget what is most important when in the midst of planning and preparing for an event. Like me and my wife, we may be planning to travel abroad, and we know what is most important is our travel documents. Without our passports, tickets and immigration papers, everything else we do in preparing for our travel is useless. This, of course, does not mean we need not prepare the necessary, but rather it means we need to know our priorities and what is most important.
As Christians, we have been called to prepare the way for our Lord’s return. Some of us may have labored hard to prepare the way by planning and organizing evangelistic events, by involving ourselves in many Christian activities, and by performing all the things necessary to ensure the smooth running of the greatest upcoming event on earth. All these are worthy, good, and necessary, but sometimes we may get too caught up with such activities that we neglect what is most important—Jesus.
Busying ourselves to ensure the world is ready for our Lord’s return is perfectly fine. However, if like Martha we become too distracted with all the preparations or too worried and bothered by the many things that need to be done to the point of failing to see the good part, then all our efforts would have been in vain.
Just as without our passports we cannot travel abroad, so it is the same for us if we do not have Christ as the center of our lives. Everything we did in preparing for His return would have been in vain. We ought therefore to learn from Mary to set our priorities right by choosing the good part to sit at Jesus’ feet and to put Him first in everything (Luke 10:38-42). If we, after busying ourselves with the necessary, discover we have left our first love for God, we should then remember where we have fallen and repent by going back to where we have left behind or first ‘boarded’. We must then do the deeds we have first done with the same heart and passion so as to rediscover our first love (Revelation 2:4-5).
Forgive us dear Lord for sometimes failing to put You first in all we do, and for failing at times to set our priorities right. Help us always to be mindful Lord to focus on what is the most important even while busying ourselves with the necessary. Be the center of our lives Lord, that all we do may not be in vain, for we know O Lord that without You, we can accomplish nothing worthy of claim.
Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--to keep me from exalting myself! (2 Corinthians 12:7 NAS)
It is perfectly normal for us when in pain to want to remove whatever is hurting us as quickly as possible. That's because it is instinctive to do so. Not all hurts in life however can be removed just as we wish, and sometimes we may have to live with a scar for the rest of our lives.
Life in the real world is not all a bed of roses. Amid the beauty of flowers like the roses are many thorns. There will always be certain hurts in life that cannot be removed and may remain with us permanently. Physical ailments, loss of someone we loved, or the deliberate hurts caused by someone who dislikes us are some examples of long term or permanent thorns in the flesh.
What then shall we do with such 'thorns'? Shall we try to remove them or live and bear with the hurt? What if it is something we cannot remove or someone who is displeased with us? Do we curse God and die (Job 2:9-10), or do we like Job of the Old Testament say, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21 NAS)?
If our thorn in the flesh is someone who is unhappy with us, let us work towards reconciling with that someone (Matthew 5:23-25). If it be one who is a messenger of the devil sent to torment us, let us like the apostle Paul implore of the Lord three times to remove the adversity, but if God's answer is for us to be perfected in weakness through suffering, then let us learn to live by God's grace in His sufficiency that we may not exalt ourselves, but that the power of Christ may dwell in us (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). If the thorn is physical, mental or emotional, then let us again be like Paul to implore God to remove the hurt or pain, and if God heals us, praise and thank Him, but if not, then let us learn to bear and live our lives victorious in Christ (Daniel 3:16-28).
Help us dear Lord to stay strong in the face of thorns in our lives, not to give up even when we feel our hurts are overwhelming and tormenting. Teach us to be like Job and Paul to take the thorns in our lives in stride, knowing with full confidence that Your grace is sufficient for us. Lead us to the place we can find relieve Lord, and remove from us the thorns, yet not our will, but Yours be done. Comfort us in our pain Lord that we may be perfected in weakness. Keep us from exalting ourselves Lord, that Your power may dwell in us and be revealed through us.
Then Jeshua with his sons and brothers stood united with Kadmiel and his sons, the sons of Judah and the sons of Henadad with their sons and brothers the Levites, to oversee the workmen in the temple of God. (Ezra 3:9 NAS)